In the nutty waters of Solanasea, Solgebob Smartpants, the blockchain sponge, lived in a wallet-pineapple. He flipped KrabbyCrypto patties at KrustyKrabDAO. One day, Solgebob derped hard and turned the ocean into NFTs. Total chaos! With his tech-squirrel buddy Sandy, they tried to fix it. But a crypto whale splashed them and spun everything wild. When the dust settled, everything was normal—except Solgebob's pants were now SmartPantsCoin and started their own clothing line. Solgebob laughed at the madness, because why not? Life in Solanasea was totally bonkers.
CA: EwriXwb9gKg9cU3rr3LqcbDNVLPwhskMT7iPu5BBd5NZ
-Supply: 1,000,000,000
-Liquidity BURNED: 100 %
-Tax Rate: 0%